速報APP / 遊戲 / Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover C

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover C





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Russia, Moscow, Gastello str. 41-192

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover Cleanup(圖1)-速報App

You had a great houseparty last night! You turned out to be an awesome party maker. Unfortunately your made your flat a party house and when your role up you found a huge mess in your room.

You have only 30 second to put it into order, clean the room and get rid of all incriminating stuff. Hurry up! Your parent must not bust you! Clean the junk, throw out the trash and hide sleeping friends, and the room will shine like a new one!

Each round the number of stuff swiftly increases, so you have to tense up to manage ti clean up in time!

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover Cleanup(圖2)-速報App

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover Cleanup(圖3)-速報App

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover Cleanup(圖4)-速報App

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover Cleanup(圖5)-速報App

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover Cleanup(圖6)-速報App

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover Cleanup(圖7)-速報App

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover Cleanup(圖8)-速報App

Clean Room After Houseparty - Hangover Cleanup(圖9)-速報App